Our mix gym


SINCE 1978


Freeway Gym opened its doors in 1978 with a mission to provide it’s members with a new and exciting fitness and health experience. Over decades we have kept up to date with the latest fitness trends, new techniques and equipment.

All training styles covered with over 150 pieces of equipment, Dumbbells up to 80kg, pin loaded machines help create muscle memory for yourself or if you don’t have a training partner (spotter) as well as fully equipped weight plate loaded facility. Variety continues upstairs with functional fit cage, equipment and boxing bags/equipment to train your way and style. Prefer to have a more personal journey? Jump into the cardio theater plug into a state of the art machine and enjoy Netflix, YouTube, games, or vertical reality tracks all around the world. Run in a Brazilian rainforest or cycle through France let your workout take you on some much needed ‘you’ time.

Our highest achievement is knowing we have helped thousands of people in the local community achieve their fitness goals.

Visit the club and see for yourself why we have been the best fitness centre for the past four decades.

1978 The Beginning of Freeway Sports Centre

The proprietor believed in a healthy lifestyle and wanted to help Australians to get fit and healthy… Thus, Freeway Sports Centre was established.

Built on nearly 6 acres Freeway Sports Centre was the largest privately owned sporting fitness complex built in Victoria, leading the way in fitness and well being which has continued to present time. Comprising of a mixed gymnasium, 15 squash courts, 25-meter indoor heated pool, segregated female and male sauna and spas, multiple aerobic classes and swimming lessons.

Freeway was well advanced with great diversity to fitness and health at that era.

1990 First Major Development and Expansion

Professionalism and Success of being a leader in the fitness industry ment changes had to be made and expansions and renovations had to occur. Over the prior years additional fitness activities were introduced… Circuit, Taekwondo, Aqua Aerobics, Yoga, Racquetball, Cardio Area, Jazz Ballet, Children’s Programs, Sports Massage and Work Care Rehabilitation Services.

Due to demand the main gym area had to be doubled in size and the Aerobic area extended to cater for 100 patrons.


Being the leading club in Melbourne producing both body building champions and aerobics state and national level champions.

1995 Second Major Development and Expansion

Because of the constant development in the fitness industry, Freeways motto to be a leader in fitness and health had to be broadened so, yet another major expansion occurred.
An Upper floor level was built over the main aerobic area. This enabled the main gymnasium area AGAIN to double in size. A prototype LADIES ONLY training area was introduced, the Cardio area doubled in size and a new floor area for aerobics transpired.

2000 Third Major Development and Expansion – LADIES ONLY

“Just Ladies.” Due to increasing demand for women’s fitness, Freeway Sports Centre created the largest female only facilities in the local region. Specialised designed equipment for women was purchased from the U.S.A, which was not available in Australia.

Other amenities introduced specialising for ladies needs were a Beauty Salon, hairdresser, and nail-technician.

All these facilities were built in a comfortable and private environment.

Addition to Just Ladies transpiring, more equipment from the U.S.A was purchase to upgrade all the equipment to the main gymnasium.

2005 Fourth Development and Expansion

New specialised designated areas for Pilates, Yoga, Circuit and Spinning were developed.

Cardio equipment was improving with variety so a Cardio Theatre was introduced.
one of the first club to offer Zumba in the south eastern suburbs.

Changing the pool facility to a members only pool to ensure peace of mind of no overcrowded lanes, reduction of noise pollution at holiday periods and also increased security to members and their belongings.

We were one of the first club to offer Zumba in the south eastern suburbs. Are are currently still performimng classes. See our class timetable.

2015 Fifth Development and Expansion.

The main gym was yet again expanded. The Centre now has over 500 pieces of equipment and over 10 ton of free weights plus 30 treadmills and wide range other electronic equipment.

Circuit and Boxing areas were added to the amenities making Freeway Sports Centre the biggest with the most amenities to offer in the southeastern region and also having the club available for access 24/7 to train.

Ongoing: Investing into the club with consistent improvements such as fitting out over half a million dollars of cardio and becoming Life Fitness Australia Show room club.

total body fitness

mind body and soul


We provide gym programs for our clients. Weight loss, Muscle gain and health and fitness. These programs come with video guides.


Within our programs we provide a nutrition guide to help our clients reach their goals. Food intake goes hand in hand with exercise.


Our personal trainers are highly qualified to help any client with there goals. We have help 1000's of clients.

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